The Bharat Sevashram Sangha is a spiritual brotherhood of monks and selfless workers devoted to the service of human irrespective of religion, caste, creed, sex, domicile or any other such consideration. It was founded in 1917 by the illustrious patriot saint Acharya Srimat Swami Pranavanandaji Maharaj. It is purely a philanthropic and charitable organization with non-sectarian, secular and non-political character and outlook.
The aims and objectives of Sangha in brief are to
(1) help the distressed, the invalid, the infirm, the afflicted and the suffering humanity in general with particular emphasis on people belonging to backward, outcaste and downtrodden communities,
(2) stand by the victims in the wake of natural calamities,
(3) provide medical and educational facilities,
(4) preach, propagate and foster the cultural and spiritual heritage of India and
(5) promote the feeling of fraternity, unity, religious and social goodwill and peaceful co-existence .
Swami Pranavanandaji, Guru Maharaj as we fondly call him, perceived that the golden way to serve humanity is to bring about social, economic, cultural and, of course, moral uplift of the people at large with particular emphasis on underprivileged masses and thus to give them the right platform to develop their existing conditions. From its modest start the organization, is now serving thousands of people daily on the ideology of its noble founder by running a good number of popular educational institutes including college, well-equipped health-care facilities, vocational training canter, dharmashalas, youth hostels and so many other socio-cultural and philanthropic projects is now acclaimed as a premier institution of its kind, with 100 branches and 550 sub-units across the country. 23 overseas branches of the Sangha propagate rich heritage of Indian culture and philosophy.
The head office of the Sangha is at 211, Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata - 700019, West Bengal. This is the central administrative office of the Sangha that sets guidelines, monitors and coordinates works of the branches. In the wake of natural calamities such as flood, earthquake, draught, famine, cyclone, tsunami or during massive festive congregations like 'kumbha mela' or Rathajatra at Puri for example, where millions of pilgrims assemble and halt for a few days or during any other emergent situation calling for immediate action, relief and rescue operations are conducted under direct supervision of the head office.
We are moving forward, and growing too, with spontaneous help coming from generous people, corporate / business houses, disciples, devotees and like-minded organizations. Above everything else the blessings of Guru Maharaj is the driving force that make us strive all out to implement the lofty ideals he professed of serving distressed humanity, the downtrodden and ignored section of the society in particular, and thus serving the society and the nation in our own humble way tiding over extreme financial constraint and many other tough hurdles that comes our way every now and then. We firmly trust we will never give in.
Delhi Branch of the Sangha located at Swami Pranavananda Marg, Shriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065, started functioning from the year 1971. Being in the capital of the country, the branch plays vital role by lending helping hand to the head office and other center in performance of various Sangha-related matters in the northern region including the capital. It has also its own regular socio-welfare activities and programs.