The project has been undertaken by the Sangha on its 13.5 acre land at village – Wazirpur, district – Gurgaon (sector 92 near Manesar), Haryana. Bhoomi Pujon of the project was done by HE Dr. A.R. Kidwai, the then Governor of Haryana, on 31.10.2005 This Rs. 150 Cr. project includes a co-educational higher secondary school for 2000 students with boarding facility for 300 boy students and affiliation with the CBSE, old-age homes ,charitable dispensary, sant niwas, prayer hall and an auditorium. There is provision of a bank, a post office and a departmental store. In spite of extreme financial constraint of the Sangha we have been able to construct about 11% .of the total construction work and have plan to inaugurate the old-age home and the school and make the school functional and operational from 2014 academic session. The project is aimed at bringing some basic requirements which are presently unavailable,within affordable reach of thousands of people living in adjoining village areas and will make considerable contribution towards social, financial and cultural uplift of the people residing in adjoining areas who mostly belong to severely financially-handicapped and downtrodden section of the society. We are grateful to the RITES Ltd., and the IRFC Ltd., both PSUs under the Ministry of Railways, Government of India, for granting us substantial fund for construction of the first three floors of the school building. Government of Haryana has issued OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE in respect of the entire project. Yet the construction work is limping forward on account of our acute financial stringency, door to door collection from noble individuals, disciples and devotees being our sole source of raising funds. However we are confident that the blessings of Guru Maharaj coupled with contributions from noble individuals, corporate houses and like-minded organizations will enable us to tide over the hardship, however acute it may be, and complete the project at the earliest possible time.
The school building under construction. This co-educational higher secondary institution affiliated to the CBSE for 2000 students with hostel facility for 300 boy students will simultaneously provide job-oriented vocational training, will have 25% seats reserved for students from poorest families and another 3% for girl students only, and all other student-friendly extra-curricular amenities.
The old-age home – will provide homely environment to the aged with adequate and appropriate amenities.
The charitable dispensary will provide treatment and medicine and thus meet pressing needs of thousands of , under-privileged people living in adjoining village areas.
To involve local farmers in eco-friendly modern techniques of cultivation, proper storage of food grains and rewarding marketing facilities. Expected result – enhanced production, increased financial output and creation of varied avenues of job-opportunities.
Will consist of five Prayer Halls and a Meditation Hall in the basement for 100 persons to meditate simultaneously.
Honorable visitors : Shri R.Mehrotra, CMD, RITES Ltd, Shri R.Datt, MD, IRFC Ltd., Shri S.K.Ajmani, GM and Company Secretary, IRFC Ltd., Shri S.K.Sharma,GM , RITES Ltd, Ms. Mridula Ganguly Khanna, Jt. GM, RITES Ltd with Swamy Atmajnananandaji in the school building.